I’ve recently begun to question my support for the N.F.L. I suspect that the recent discoveries about concussions and the prevalence of early-onset dementia among players are just the tip of the iceberg. Is it unethical to support a league that seems to know it is detrimental to the health of its participants? And if so, what should my response be? Don’t go to games? Don’t buy merchandise? Don’t watch on television? Start actively opposing the N.F.L.? Write letters? DARREN WILLIAMS, DALLAS
Had you asked if the whole concept of professional sports is ultimately an unethical distraction — because of the amount of resources it consumes, the way it shifts cultural priorities and the manner in which it impacts society as a whole — and if every rational argument affirmed that it was, then every person involved would be incrementally complicit, including the fans. If an entire enterprise is corrupt, culpability is shared among participants.
But that’s not the dilemma troubling you. What you are concerned about involves one disquieting aspect of one specific sport. You want to know if it’s ethically acceptable to watch a game that is dangerous to the athletes who participate. And the answer to that query is yes.
Any adult involved with football is aware of the risks associated with playing a collision sport. We might have been able to make a different argument in 1975, but not today. It is suspected (and widely reported) that every head-to-head collision generates imperceptible “sub-concussions,” slowly damaging the brain without the victim suffering the symptoms of an acute trauma. This means many players are being injured on almost every play they are involved with (in every single game and in every full-contact practice). Football is a brutal activity. But this is a known, accepted reality. Professional athletes accept this risk in exchange for the chance at large financial reward and the right to pursue a rarefied livelihood they love and desire. (College and high-school students willingly do the same thing without the benefit of a salary.) People retain the right to pursue potentially dangerous activities, as long as it’s their own informed choice and they are not endangering ancillary others who have chosen otherwise.
If you think it’s fundamentally barbaric to watch such an endeavor, I’m not going to try and convince you otherwise. But you’re not ethically required to hold that view. Yes, you are financially subsidizing a profession that involves elective physical risk. But on a smaller scale, the same could be said for taking your child to the circus; while there might be “big picture” problems with the enterprise,the risks associated with the work are taken on by free people.
Beyond all this, there’s still a valid question over whether something being dangerous inherently makes it unethical, or even particularly bad. Drinking alcohol is more dangerous than not drinking alcohol, but it would seem pretty unsophisticated to believe patronizing a nightclub is immoral, simply because other people who go there might drink themselves to death (and you would be party to that experience).Now, of course, the social factors motivating those people to accept such risks are often problematic — and sometimes more ethically convoluted than the risk itself. It forces us to reconsider the definition of “free.” If someone believes playing football (or working as a trapeze artist) is the only option he has in order to live a full life, then the dangerous choice he’s making really isn’t his own. His agency is an illusion. Yet this possibility doesn’t really apply to your particular problem. For one thing, even the most limited life rarely has only one conceivable career option; for another, it wouldn’t make a lot of sense to penalize the game of football if it actually were an individual’s sole chance at a livelihood. This entire debate eventually becomes a circular loop of contradictory suppositions: Football is dangerous, but the players accept that danger, but they don’t actually have agency over that choice, but their lack of agency necessitates the existence of the dangerous sport they have to accept (lest there be no option at all).
My (admittedly unoriginal) suspicion is that the reason we keep having this discussion over the ethics of football is almost entirely a product of the sport’s sheer popularity. The issue of concussions in football is debated exhaustively, despite the fact that boxing — where the goal is to hit your opponent in the face as hard as possible — still exists. But people care less about boxing, so they worry less about the ethics of boxing. Football is the most popular game in the United States and generates the most revenue, so we feel obligated to worry about what it means to love it. Well, here’s what it means: We love something that’s dangerous. And I can live with that.
This article primarily deals with the issue of concussions in the NFL. The man asking the question is curious about whether or not he should support the NFL if it is proven that playing can lead to early dementia and other disabilities.
From a personal standpoint, I would argue that if the man enjoys participating and watching the sport, then he should not have any issue. There is clear evidence that playing football can lead to the earlier development of disabilities, and this is clear to everyone. The players know the risks of playing the sport, and it is their choice to do so. In this aspect I am in agreement with the ethicist. If the players are fine with putting themselves at risk of injury for the pay check then it is perfectly acceptable. On the other hand, the issue arises about whether it is the spectators that in a way "force" the players to risk themselves for the reward, because the mass amount of spectators makes the rewards so great. This may be the case for a small percentage of the players, who do make millions off of endorsements and simply from their pay check, but an even larger percentage plays the sport as a career, and for fun. People often do not realize that their are 53 players on every teams roster. A select few of the those elite players make the big bucks. The other players may get payed well, but would be able to find just as well paying of a job without the huge risk of injury. The ethicist does not address the fact that players may just love the sport, and are willing to put themselves in potentially dangerous situations simply for the fun and love they have playing the sport.
Overall I would agree with the ethicist who determined that the author of the question, should not bother with this issue. However, there may be some underlying bias to his opinion. We know the ethicist is an adult male, and also may very well be a fan of football. This would impact what advice he gives, since he would surely move to support the sport if he is in fact a fan. Personally I have the same bias, and I am aware of it. If an advocate for anti-sports or something like that was asked this question, their answer would be to completely boycott the sport.
In the end this becomes a question about whether or not the writer is comfortable supporting the sport, when he knows the players may get injured or develop a disability later in life. There is not huge underlying ethical debate simply because the majority of the general public enjoy this support, and ethics are defined by society.
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