Monday, August 4, 2014

Article from The Guardian claiming that airplanes are safer than other transportations

Article from The Guardian claiming that airplanes are safer than other transportations

This article talked about how there is no reason to fear planes despite the recent events that have happened in the last years regarding airplane fatalities. The article shows both sides of how there have been airplane fatalities and the evidence showing that even though there have been airplane crashes they are still safer than on land transportations. The article states that, out of the 32 million airlines that flew in 2013, only 350 fatalities in between. The number sounds large but compared to the amount of planes that flew less than one flight in 3,000,000 were fatal. This seems reasonable, however we live in modern times and so flying is the only means to get to far distances in a short amount of time bringing me to the conclusion that the author is somewhat biased in his argument. Although his claims are concrete in stating that motorcycles, cars, and trains are more dangerous than flying it still doesn't take out the possibility that you could die on a plane. I am even biased when it comes to flying on planes because although I have been flying since I was one I have a big fear of dying on a plane. I feel that dying on a plane is more agonizing because you know you're going to die since the pilot usually warns the flight about it. Also you painfully wait for your death without being able to do anything about it because there's nowhere to run. In a car I feel like it'd be less painful because it'd be quicker and at least if I died I know I was able to do something about it before it happened. Being trapped in the air without having any control of your fate makes it that much worse so I don't see why it's irrational to feel fear when getting on a plane. We can all correspond that we've been on a flight and that we survived them in our lifetime but that doesn't mean it's necessarily safe and that the next flight we get on will not have zero chances of a fatality occurring. It is coherent in the evidence shown that a plane is safer than a car, however you might have never gotten into a car accident but got on a plane and had a fatal outcome.  A pragmatic approach might also indicate that we will always be safe on a plane because we’ve all been on planes and we’ve survived. Much like the sunrises every morning example is a pragmatic conclusion because even if we don’t know why it always happens. However, there is still a chance that the sun might not come up the next day, which means that not every single flight we get on might be safe. Even though I agree it’s safer to fly than go on long road trips, there is still a chance of fatality as little as it may be so I don’t see why being scared of going on a plane is an irrational fear.

Word Count: 518

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to your point of view because each time I get on a plane I fear that it crashes. And I also agree with the fact that in an airplane we have no decision wether it's going to crash or not. However you said that in a car you would be able to do something before it happen, which i think might not be completely true each time. What if you weren't the one driving? I also think that when you say that in a car accident it would have been quicker I don't think that is necessarily true, i think in both cases some people could come out with brutal, painful injuries and only die or survive later.
    When you look at the three recent plane crashes, they all happened in the same areas of the world. I believe one of them was an actual crash due to the wether but the two others were intentional. This was probably due to the issues that part of the world is having at the moment and so this is their way of going against each other.
    Also for the people who are superstitious there is the saying that troubles always happen in threes, therefore after the three plane crashes normally there wouldn't be a fourth since the law was complete.
    For the person writing the article to say that we shouldn't be afraid because when you look at a total of accidents there aren't that many is very biased. I think it is normal for humans to fear the plane when you hear of all theses innocent people dying in a plane crash. I think the author should maybe encourage us to not fear planes and offer new ideas but to tell us not to fear it is not very realistic.
